On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Daniel Rogers wrote:

> Hello again,
> It has been awhile since I have done a GIMP Foundation update.   There
> is quite a bit that must be decided on at this point.  Also, people need
> to decide how invovled they would like to be.
> My goals for The GIMP really boil down to three things.  First, I really
> want to see The GIMP to be a household name for professional image
> editors.  Second, I want to the GIMP as easy as possible for volunteers
> to contribute to.  Third, I want to be able to turn The GIMP into a
> real, paid, career for a team of people, including myself.

I would add usability for all and ease-of-getting started for new and
casual users to the list of gimp goals.

> If you are a board member you must:
> Attend board meetings.

Is this required to be in person, or is conference call/irc/email/etc
sufficient?  Furthermore, is it possible for board members to be
reimbursed for expenses?  I can see this being a major obstacle for non-us
residents otherwise.

> Here are a few of the things, that given the oppurtunity and funds I
> would like to do with TGF.

In my mind one of the major reasons to have a Gimp Foundation is to put
all of our IP ducks in a row.  As I've said before I don't think that
having contributors sign over copyright to TGF would be the best plan.
Instead, I would like to see the ability to give TGF power-of-attorney to
sue copyright violators in their behalf.


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