On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:04:27AM -0400, Andrei Simion wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >
> >i suggest getting the cvs source and reading the existing scripts.  i
> >was working on minor updating to some of those scripts (which is sad
> >because there are so many who profited from this who are trained and
> >capable of fixing it -- i am neither capable nor have i profited).
> And where is the cvs source? Are you talking about the source code for 
> the gimp server? Are there perl scripts that access the server there?
i made sure that information about how to get the gimp things from cvs
is available on the gimp web site.  while it does not directly explain
how to get the perl module, it takes only a little jump in logic and
perhaps some limited reading of gnomecvs documentation to get the all of
the gimp source modules via cvs checkout.

it would be helpful to me if you can tell me how successful you can be
at finding this information from http://www.gimp.org, understanding of
course that it is set up for the non-programmer and needs people with
programming background to understand more on their own.

i think it would be better to fix the information that has been online
for years than it would be to explain this to you.

let me know how it goes,

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