Sven wrote:

> how should tool interaction work with this?

the tool still only interacts in a real GIMP window

> Would you want to see the mouse cursor in the magnified view?

yep, normal sized mouse cursor, with for all the brush based
tools the brush coverage shape enlarged correctly.

> Should you able to interact in it or is it just a view?

it is just a temporary loupe.

what I am asking myself is 'does this thing need to be circular?

I can see the circle thing coming from a constant radius around
the mouse cursor (and a cool shape in case of the aperture loupe:
<> ), but
I am sure that you will feel a lot better when it can be a square,
the small and enlarged one connected by a couple of filled polygons.


         principal user interaction architect
         man + machine interface works
 : on interaction architecture

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