I love the new way  much much more logical and easier and effective to use
Please dont remove this feature.
On May 3, 2012 2:31 AM, "Kasim Ahmic" <kasim.ah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I couldn't agree more!
> Could the developers possibly add an option to revert back to the old
> system?
> Sent from my iPod
> On May 2, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Jonathan Kamens <j...@kamens.us> wrote:
> I *hate* the new Save vs. Export behavior. It is completely non-intuitive
> to me, it makes my brain stumble every time I try to do just about any of
> the things that I do in GIMP on a regular basis, and it makes most of my
> workflows take more thought and more button clicks / key presses than they
> used to.
> Here's just one use case that is completely destroyed by this change...
> Loading a JPG to edit and save back to JPG. Old way:
>    1. "gimp file.jpg".
>    2. Make changes.
>    3. Type ctrl-s periodically while working to save progress.
>     4. Type ctrl-q.
> New way:
>    1. "gimp file.jpg".
>    2. Make changes.
>    3. Open File menu and select "Overwrite" (no keyboard shortcut for
>    that!).
>    4. Periodically type ctrl-e to save further progress (because for some
>    inexplicable reason, once you use the "Overwrite" command it disappears and
>    is replaced with the "Export" command which appears to do exactly the same
>    thing, but *this* one has a keyboard shortcut; how does that make
>    sense, exactly)?
>    5. Type ctrl-q.
>    6. GIMP tells me I have unsaved changes, even though I just saved them
>    with ctrl-e.
>    7. Click "Discard Changes" to really exit.
> If I can't remember whether I've saved already or not and hit ctrl-e
> instead of using File | Overwrite, an export dialog pops up and if I just
> accept the file name in it, I am asked to confirm that I want to replace
> the file. Then I'm prompted for export settings. This is absurd.
> Here's another use case that's rendered more complex by this change...
> Load an image, edit, and save in a different format. Old way:
>    1. "gimp image.fmt1".
>    2. Make changes.
>    3. ctrl-shift-s.
>    4. Modify extension in save dialog.
>    5. ctrl-q.
> New way:
>    1. "gimp image.fmt1".
>    2. Make changes.
>    3. ctrl-shift-e. (and, mind you, I have to *remember* that it's
>    shift-ctrl-e, instead of shift-ctrl-s like in every other freakin'
>    application I use on either Linux and Windows)
>    4. Modify extension in save dialog.
>     5. Type ctrl-q.
>    6. GIMP tells me that I have unsaved changes, even though I just saved
>    them with shift-ctrl-e.
>    7. Click "Discard Changes" to really exit.
> But what about when I *do* want to load an image in a non-XCF format and
> then save as XCF? Well, Ctrl-shift-e won't work for that, because the
> export dialog doesn't let you export as XCF. I see no advantage whatsoever
> to this restriction. So I have to remember that in this one special case of
> changing the format of an image, I have to use ctrl-s instead of
> ctrl-shift-e.
> There isn't a single thing that I use GIMP for that is made easier or
> faster by this interface change. Not one thing.
> I understand that there is "information loss" when an image is saved as a
> format other than XCF. But the fact of the matter is that when all I'm
> doing is retouching an image, which is what I do most with gimp, I don't
> give a flying fig about that "information loss." I just want the image to
> save, nice and easy, when I'm done editing it. And I don't want to have to
> remember different commands for GIMP than for every other program I use.
> And I don't want the command I have to use the first time I save an image
> to be different from the command I use the next time; that just makes no
> sense. Because of this particular "feature," I can't even make this problem
> less onerous by swapping the ctrl-s/ctrl-e and shift-ctrl-s/shift-ctrl-e
> bindings. Brilliant!
> I understand that the GIMP developers consider XCF a "special" format
> which deserves special treatment. Well, I don't, and I'm sure there are
> many, many users like me who don't either. This change is just sticking a
> thumb in all of our eyes.
> You could have done this the LibreOffice way... When you try to save an
> image loaded from a format with information loss, you get a pop-up warning
> you and giving you the choice of whether to proceed or save as XCF (and
> also giving you the choice to make this warning go away in the future and
> just save like you told it to). This is what LibreOffice does, e.g., when
> you load and then try to save a DOC file.
> Or you could have made this change at least a *little* bit less onerous
> by making the save dialog *default* to XCF but allowing the user to edit
> the extension to save to another format. But no, if you try to do that, it
> tells you, "Sorry, this dialog only saves in XCF format," and you have to
> cancel out of it and export instead.
> In my opinion, this change is a huge, huge step backward in useability.
>   Jonathan Kamens
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