Am 30.06.2012 12:01, schrieb Olivier:
> 2012/6/30  <>:
>> These are the reasons why I went back from GIMP 2.8 to GIMP 2.6.x:
>> 1.) The free text field in the "Open file" view has been removed, or at 
>> least I couldn't find it. A frequent use case for me is to copy a fully 
>> qualified file name (i.e. including the path) of an image and to paste it to 
>> the "open file" view of GIMP... Not possible anymore? Why? Progress IMHO is 
>> if possibilities grow, not if they disappear.
> Did you search the dialog? Did you see the large button "Type a file
> name" in the top left corner?

In the German version of GIMP-2.8.0 (on Windows 7) this button is named
"Suche" (search) and has a loupe icon. Maybe this is the reason why I
did not find it. I did not want to search, I wanted to point directly to
where the file resides. But thank you for the hint!

However, okay, there is a possibility to do this very basic use case I
want, but it has become a lot more complicated, compared to GIMP 2.6.x.
Please have a look (assuming I have a fully qualified file name in the

In GIMP-2.6.x, I do:

In Gimp-2.8.0, I have to do:

Just try these key flows some times to get a feeling of how complicated
it is now.

With the mouse (which is not my prefered way to do this use case,
because it's a lot less efficient), there is also one click and a couple
of mouse cursor inches more to do.

>> 2.) I open a JPEG and I want to save(!) it as JPEG. Why is GIMP starting to 
>> domineer over the user now (like e.g. MS Windows has been doing all the 
>> time) by changing the file type to XCF and forcing the user to "export" the 
>> image (that was opened as a JPEG!) if he wants to save it as a JPEG again? 
>> Progress IMHO is if things get easier, not if they get more complicated.
> About this point, please refer to the hundreds of mails already
> exchanged about the matter, and please really try the new behavior,
> without assuming bad thinking from the developers.

I don't want to complain, but to express my personal opinion, because I
like the GIMP. Changing the file type and forcing the user into another
use case just isn't my style, and it will never be.

Besides, it makes me think that GIMP assumes the user is a fool who is
not aware that there will be some limitations with JPEG compared to XCF.

>> 3.) The calculation of the image size of JPEGs when saving in preview mode 
>> is buggy, i.e. the size is way too high (GBs instead if MBs). Of course, 
>> this is only a minor bug which will be fixed soon (if it isn't already). I 
>> just wanted to note it.
> This is a known bug, hopefully fixed very soon.
> Do you really think these three points, one of them does not exist,
> and another one is a very small point and a known bug, are enough for
> not having access to the tremendous new capabilities of version 2.8?

The basic use cases are the most important to me, as soon as I will have
a real need for the new capabilities of GIMP, I will rethink upgrading.
Maybe, the opening of files will again be easier then.


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