On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 7:54 PM, John Coppens wrote:

>> Stats that there have been hundreds of mails?
>> That most people who like it have nothing much to say about it?
>> Do _you_ have stats that prove the opposite? :)
> No Alexandre... This was a serious question. It's easy to say 'there is
> a silent majority who says...'. I can always say 'I changed this, and
> almost everyone is fine with it' because I don't get any feedback.

You obviously didn't understand a bit from the initial statement made
by Richard.

Let's read it again:

"most of the people who like it have nothing much to say about the subject."

Most of the people _who like it_, not just "most of the people".

> Why not do a _real_ poll on the opinion of the users re: the new
> 'save feature'?

What ever for?

Alexandre Prokoudine
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