Not to flame here or anything, but has anybody done an actual study as
to if IT managers are overlooking GIMP because of the name, and I'm not
talking anecdotes.  I'm talking about a systematic survey.
I don't deny that some people MAY have a bias against GIMP, but you need
to look at the other side of the picture: what about the developers who
still associate GIMP with a great program.  Product names are filled
with all sorts of good will, and if you're going to change, you'd better
be able to sit down and say that there is a valid reason to do this.
And while we're on the topic of names, here's one idea:


Toby Haynes wrote:
> Anthony Ettinger wrote:
>> Anyway, instead of flaming, how about some suggestions:
>> Gimpressive
>> Gimpression
> Out of all the many suggested (re)names, these two are the only two I've 
> ever seen and liked. Maybe because many GNU and GNOME programs already 
> have a leading G in the name, leaving G-Impressive and G-Impression as 
> the result, while still keeping a solid nod at the original GIMP acronym.
> If the GIMP developers finally get fed up with all the arguments about 
> the name :-) one of the above two would get my vote.
> Cheers,
> Toby Haynes
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