Paul Mackerras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My reasoning is that it is the local short-range connections which are
> interesting and informative.  The long-range connections aren't really
> visually informative; if you want to know about the long-range
> connections, the parent and child lists in the details pane are much
> more useful.


The new output looks a lot less cluttering and I like it very
much, but it is confusing to me on one count.  I clicked one
arrowhead pointing downward, expecting that the pane would jump
scroll to show the counterpart arrowhead, and was dissapointed
that it did not happen.  I could click the "Parent" link at that
point, but then the upward arrow was above and outside the
visible portion of that pane, which broke visual continuity and
I lost track at that point.  I think my being color challenged
exacerbated the resulting confusion; otherwise I could have
probably found the line with the same color as the color of the
downarrow I clicked.


I first thought you rewrote it in Haskell ;-).

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