Dear GKD Colleagues:

I am following up on the series of emails that have gone back and forth
on this topic. I am a consultant who spent 19 years with HP prior to
taking early retirement last year. My last role was National Business
Development Manager for Education and Healthcare and I was engaged to
find the next disruptive technology that could change how
technology-assisted teaching, learning, and wellness could be
sustainably delivered in developed and developing countries.

Advanced Interactive, a Vancouver-Canada R&D organization, had partnered
with Canarie, the Canadian Government Internet R&D agency in 2000 to
develop a solution for providing high speed access to Internet resources
in schools, even when there was only a slow dial-up modem connection
from the school to the Internet. The outcome was the commercialization
of this distributed and remotely managed technology, which has evolved
and brings financially self-sustainable connectivity to under-served
communities, including those lacking electrical or communications

I have 2 White Papers which will provide a comprehensive view of how
they have addressed this challenge. This is currently installed in
remote Aboriginal communities in Canada, in Uganda, Ghana, and soon in
Senegal. It will also be used as the secure delivery vehicle by several
Canadian Universities establishing bi-lateral campuses - one is rolling
out with 12 Universities in China and the other 40 Universities in
India. The curriculum provided by the Canadian University and a US
College is monitored and managed constantly, refreshed nightly, and all
student information is available at all times in any school that student

For more information or to discuss in more detail, please contact me. I
look forward to your response.


Robert Miller
EVP Global Inc.
Direct:   (416) 423-9100
Mobile:  (416) 464-7525
Fax:      (416) 696-9734

"enabling virtual projects that narrow the digital divide"

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