and court costs.

>From pacer:

"04/14/2010   CASHIERS OFFICE REMARK on 99 Order Admitting Attorney Pro
Hac Vice, 98 Order Admitting Attorney Pro Hac Vice in the amount of
$50.00, paid on 03/30/2010, Receipt Number 899213. (jd) (Entered:
04/14/2010) "

Re 98 and 99:

"03/30/2010 98  ORDER ADMITTING ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE. Attorney Paul Kim
for Versa Technology Inc. admitted Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Shira
A. Scheindlin on 3/30/2010) (jmi) (Entered: 03/30/2010) 
03/30/2010 99  ORDER ADMITTING ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE. Attorney Mark W.
Yocca for Versa Technology Inc. admitted Pro Hac Vice. SO ORDERED
(Signed by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin on 3/30/2010) (jmi) (Entered:
03/30/2010 "

See also:


P.S. "Every computer program in the world, BusyBox included, exceeds the
originality standards required by copyright law."

Hyman Rosen <> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. "Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress."

Hyman Rosen <> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
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