Harvesting Gold OA journal articles is a piece of cake. How will Paperity/redex 
Green OA articles published in non-OA journals but made OA somewhere on the
Web — via Google Scholar?

Sounds like a splendid idea if it can be done… But not if it is just 
because most refereed research is not Gold, and the fastest growing form of
OA is Green (because of mandates, and absence of extra cost).


On Oct 11, 2014, at 9:08 PM, Dana Roth <dzr...@library.caltech.edu> wrote:

> It would be nice if 'Paperity' would maintain a listing of the publishers of 
> the journals they index.
> T-R does this for Web of Science Journal Citation Reports, and it is very 
> helpful.
> Dana L. Roth
> Millikan Library / Caltech 1-32
> 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125
> 626-395-6423 fax 626-792-7540
> dzr...@library.caltech.edu
> http://library.caltech.edu/collections/chemistry.htm
> From: goal-boun...@eprints.org [goal-boun...@eprints.org] on behalf of BAUIN 
> Serge [serge.ba...@cnrs.fr]
> Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:07 PM
> To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
> Subject: [GOAL] Re: Paperity launched. The 1st multidisciplinary aggregator 
> of OA journals & papers
> Marcin,
> May I ask "what is the economic model of Paperity?"
> I didn't find any information about that on your web site.
> Cheers
> Serge
> Envoyé d'un téléphone portable, désolé pour le caractère inélégant...
> Le 10 oct. 2014 à 08:22, "Marcin Wojnarski" <mwojn...@ns.onet.pl> a écrit :
>> Jeroen,
>> Thanks, it's great to hear that you like Paperity!
>> "True peer-reviewed" means published in a peer-reviewed journal, in contrast 
>> to a pdf just posted somewhere on the web (think Google Scholar), which can 
>> be anything: a peer-reviewed paper or not, published or not, even randomly 
>> generated to resemble a scholarly article, for example to pump up G Scholar 
>> citations (http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.0638).
>> The new technology is called REgular Document EXpressions (redex). It is a 
>> computer language for analyzing long and complex documents, particularly 
>> written in a markup, like HTML or XML. It facilitates analysis of web 
>> context where the paper occured, which is critical for maintaining the link 
>> between the paper and its journal. Redex builds on top of the very 
>> fundamental technology of regular expressions (regex), but redefines the 
>> language entirely to make it suitable for large structured texts.
>> Best,
>> Marcin
>> On 10/09/2014 05:02 PM, Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) wrote:
>>> Marcin,
>>> This is a great initiative. I had been hoping BASEsearch would take on this 
>>> task, but it is good to see others are stepping in.
>>> Congrats on the initiative. Still, a long way to go
>>> Could you elaborate on how your technology is able to recognize “true peer 
>>> reviewed papers” and what you consider to be “ true peer reviewed papers”?
>>> Best,
>>> Jeroen Bosman
>>> @jeroenbosman
>>> Utrecht University Library
>>> From: goal-boun...@eprints.org [mailto:goal-boun...@eprints.org] On Behalf 
>>> Of Marcin Wojnarski
>>> Sent: donderdag 9 oktober 2014 14:51
>>> To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
>>> Subject: [GOAL] Paperity launched. The 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of 
>>> OA journals & papers
>>> (press release, apologies for cross-posting)
>>> With the beginning of the new academic year, Paperity, the first 
>>> multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers, has been 
>>> launched. Paperity will connect authors with readers, boost dissemination 
>>> of new discoveries and consolidate academia around open literature.
>>> Right now, Paperity (http://paperity.org/) includes over 160,000 open 
>>> articles, "gold" and "hybrid", from 2,000 scholarly journals, and growing. 
>>> The goal of the team is to cover - with the support of journal editors and 
>>> publishers - 100% of Open Access literature in 3 years from now. In order 
>>> to achieve this, Paperity utilizes an original technology for article 
>>> indexing, designed by Marcin Wojnarski, a data geek from Poland and a 
>>> medalist of the International Mathematical Olympiad. This technology 
>>> indexes only true peer-reviewed scholarly papers and filters out irrelevant 
>>> entries, which easily make it into other aggregators and search engines.
>>> The amount of scholarly literature has grown enormously in the last 
>>> decades. Successful dissemination became a big issue. New tools are needed 
>>> to help readers access vast amounts of literature dispersed all over the 
>>> web and to help authors reach their target audience. Moreover, research is 
>>> interdisciplinary now and scholars need broad access to literature from 
>>> many fields, also from outside of their core research area. This is the 
>>> reason why Paperity covers all subjects, from Sciences, Technology, 
>>> Medicine, through Social Sciences, to Humanities and Arts.
>>> - There are lots of great articles out there which report new significant 
>>> findings, yet attract no attention, only because they are hard to find. No 
>>> more than top 10% of research institutions have good access to 
>>> communication channels and can share their findings efficiently. The 
>>> remaining 90%, especially authors from developing countries and 
>>> early-career researchers, start from a much lower stand and often stay 
>>> unnoticed despite high quality of their work – says Wojnarski. He adds that 
>>> it is not by accident that Paperity partners right now with the EU Contest 
>>> for Young Scientists, the biggest science fair in Europe. With the help of 
>>> Paperity, the Contest wants to improve dissemination of discoveries 
>>> authored by its participants – top young talents from all over the 
>>> continent.
>>> Paperity is the first service of this kind. The most similar existing 
>>> website, PubMed Central, aggregates open journals, too, but is limited to 
>>> life sciences alone. Another related service, the Directory of Open Access 
>>> Journals, does index articles from multiple periodicals and different 
>>> disciplines, but does not provide aggregation, only pure indexing: it shows 
>>> metadata of articles, but for fulltext access redirects to external sites. 
>>> Moreover, both PMC and DOAJ impose strict technical requirements on 
>>> participating journals, which limits the scope of aggregation. Paperity 
>>> adapts to whatever technology a given periodical employs.
>>> Paperity website: http://paperity.org/
>>> -- 
>>> Marcin Wojnarski, Founder of Paperity, www.paperity.org
>>> www.linkedin.com/in/marcinwojnarski
>>> www.facebook.com/Paperity
>>> www.twitter.com/Paperity
>>> Paperity. Open science aggregated.
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