Dear Stevan,

We started with Gold, because we believe that journals play a fundamental role in the system of scholarly communication and every service that tries to facilitate access to literature must start with journals, not only with a flat collection of papers like the one found in repositories. For 400 years, journals have been the backbone of the system, the main structural element. They provide a brand name for papers, create consistent editoral policy and take responsibility for the quality and relevance of articles they publish - these features are of topmost importance for readers, without them navigating through millions of articles becomes infeasible.

That said, we're fully aware how much great unique content there is in repositories and we'd like very much to merge these two streams - Gold and Green - in Paperity at some point. Although there are some tensions inside OA community between the Gold and Green camps, I think they are unjustified, because these routes are complementary, not competitive. As to indexing, it is actually much easier to be done for repositories than for journals, because most repos expose standardized interfaces. So we don't need Google Scholar for this purpose, only as I said, we believe that the right order is journals first.


On 10/12/2014 01:51 PM, Stevan Harnad wrote:
Harvesting Gold OA journal articles is a piece of cake. How will Paperity/redex harvest Green OA articles published in non-OA journals but made OA somewhere on the
Web — via Google Scholar?

Sounds like a splendid idea if it can be done… But not if it is just Gold-biassed, because most refereed research is not Gold, and the fastest growing form of
OA is Green (because of mandates, and absence of extra cost).


Marcin Wojnarski, Founder of Paperity,

Paperity. Open science aggregated.

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