In general, I agree with these concerns.  The media team has had good
results with interacting with the community/developers/etc on IRC, and
that works because they're there, they use it.  Lots of important things
that have helped us relative to Chrome in the eyes of web developers
have happened because we're much, much more helpful and accessible than
the Chrome developer team.

Yes, slack is slick.  Yes it avoids loss of backtrace (mostly; finding
things there can be hard, and the UI does not always help you in dealing
with backscroll).

However: Slack is external.  There are hard-to-evaluate sec issues with
it.  Also, though not a primary issue, they have tools in Slack that
simply don't work in Firefox (audio/video calling) that they simply are
uninterested in fixing, even after (literally) years and multiple
attempts to offer our help in fixing their problems.  This does not make
me happy with our supporting them (and they have impact on many other
corporations and open groups using slack - pushing all of them towards

An open slack-like tool is an option, especially if there are options to
make channels internal-only (and likely things mentioned here, like HR,
finance, etc may want to be internal-only, not internal+NDAs).  Or we
can stick with IRC with slack for really-needs-to-be-internal - which is
not 95% of what goes on in Slack.

While there are occasional IRC spams, it's never been really
problematic.  I understand the issues mentioned about validation of
users, but again I can't think of any significant problems we've had
with that on IRC.  Of course we always could, and having a plan for if
it does happen (4chan decides we need spanking) is probably good (lock
down to registered users temporarily, for example).  I'll note that even
when Brendan left, we didn't get that sort of problem that I recall.

(IIRC the original primary argument given publically for slack was "we
have teams using it anyways, and we should unify them into one group" -
which didn't address the "should they be using it" issue.  Some do use
it outside of the Mozilla slack instance (devtools for example), but
they're open.)

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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