Roger Bivand wrote
> You would need to try to load a package from your personal library, so:
> .libPaths()
> library()
> installed.packages()
> should show whether anything is found, and to install within the GRASS 
> session:
> install.packages("rgrass7")
> library(rgrass7)
> and see what happens.
> For me on Linux, R_LIBS is set by me and works, but on Windows the default 
> is (possibly) set in the Registry anyway, which would/should be used if 
> R_LIBS is not set. Within R, .libPaths() should be the same inside GRASS 
> and outside GRASS. In Linux I have chosen to set R_LIBS, in Windows 7, 
> GRASS standalone 7.0.4, I can start R GUI in the GRASS GUI console command 
> line, and my personal library is found (no R_LIBS set, .libPaths() returns 
> the default). I haven't tried with GRASS 7.2 on Windows.

Cleaning up temporary files...
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WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows

          __________  ___   __________    _______________
         / ____/ __ \/   | / ___/ ___/   / ____/  _/ ___/
        / / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_  \   / / __ / / \__ \
       / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ /  / /_/ // / ___/ /
       \____/_/ |_/_/  |_/____/____/   \____/___//____/

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Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

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> .libPaths()
[1] "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.1/library"
> library(rgrass7)
Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: XML
GRASS GIS interface loaded with GRASS version: GRASS 7.2.svn (2016)
and location: nc_spm_08_grass7

 .libPaths() works here the same outside an inside a winGRASS session.
everything works.

I've installed all my libraries system wide here, not to any personal folder
like Anna.

so I'll test later by adding some libraries to a personal folder like Anna.

best regards
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