Hope Greenberg wrote:
A couple years ago, after losing a substantial amount of weight, I decided I really needed to find a different size bra. While waiting on line for a dressing room at one store (OK, it was Victoria's Secret), an energetic young store employee came up and said "have you ever been professionally fitted." I said no, she whipped out a tape measure, did two measurements over my clothes, and told me what size to buy. I then proceeded to try on several bras they had in that size. None fit.

So, I assume "professionally fitted" has several definitions! However, still carrying those body image issues from my younger days, or even more recent but heavier days, I never went anywhere else for a professional fitting that might get, shall we say, more personal. Maybe that's a mistake. But what I did do was read, read, read about how a good bra should fit. Then armed with that information I went to a store (L'Eggs, Bali, Hanes) and started experimenting with different sizes. Took over an hour but was well worth it, and the women in that store didn't mind me being there for that long. Oh, and I ended up with a bra size that was 2 sizes smaller in the band and one to two sizes larger in the cup.

So, for those of you who would like to do the same, here are some resources:
http://www.herroom.com/bra-bands-cups-underwires-panels-straps,902,30.html and links from that page

Oh, and when you want the ultimate fitting experience, head for Paris. That's what Daisy Garnett of the NYTimes did. Here's her article (may require freee subscription to read) http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D00E6DE1631F934A2575BC0A9659C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1

- Hope

Susan Farmer wrote:

It is *sooo* worth it to get professionally fitted. I had it done
earlier this year and I can't recommend it enough. Not all bras are
equal. I must have tried on 6 before finding one that fit and felt

In the 70's I was a house model for Berlei foundation garments. They had a whole bunch of would-be fitters in a room with a few models, and were told to measure us and then to find suitable foundation garments from the range that Berlei did then. It was a fascinating experience - I was a 34 DD, with a fat waist, (29)and 36 inch hips. Only one person got me right first time, and some of them never found anything that was quite right. I was in underwires, one piece corset/pantie things - the name is no longer in my head, and girdles. Since then I have always fitted myself, and have a range of bras from different makers, none of which is the same as the others! (But all fit and are comfortable!)


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