On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Alon Altman wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, guy keren wrote:
> > i....envision....a.....free....SiL....Slot.....filled....up...with....
> > "Installing new software - from A to Z"
> >
> > anyone wants to take on this?
> I think the Basic Admin lecture of W2L covers software installation
> reasonably, and there's no reason for another lecture on the topic,
> especially not in SiL.

the pace, the pace.... it's too fast during W2L, and too few

what i envision, is taking several types of applications and showing how
they are installed. i would take:

1. an RPM application with dependencies...
2. an SRPM too?
3. one of the 'configure/make/make install' applications.
4. sun's or IBM's jdk. this includes setting PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
5. perhaps something coming from a project's CVS? there is no need to know
   much about CVS itself in order to do that, and people do get the
   occasional "oh, this bug making the application crash for you, was
   solved in CVS head, try it".

in each case i will show how i find it on the web, download (preparing a
previously downloaded copy a-la the "hachinoti imi merosh" method),
install, and configure.

i will include showing how i create an icon for the application on the
desktop, if there is none, or a handy shell alias to run it, if it has a
complicated command-line.

i still remember what it was like, to install software, when i had very
little experience. it's in-ti-mi-da-ting, and when something fucks up, it
was hard to know what to do.

after seeing a few examples, people will probably feel better regarding
the whole issue, and be more willing to experiment on their own.


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