
Congratulations for the donation! I´m not from Haifa, but here are my
recommendations based in my Ubuntu experiences.

El lun, 30-04-2007 a las 09:33 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

> The target again is to run simple tasks like browser, low-end games,
> etc. So I think a simple PC will do.
> Any recommendation for HW to be used?
> -          Motherboard is the most critical part here, from drivers’
> point of view. Any recommended vendor? I prefer AMD due to cost - any
> idea which specific CPU?

AMD Athlon are cheap and fine. 

> -          Memory: will 512MB be enough? Or shall I go directly to
> 1GB? 

512MB is OK, but it is up to prices. If you can add a little more money
and get 1GB, go ahead.

> -          Hard drive: will SATA2 be a problem? (I prefer to save
> budget and stay with IDE, but I am not sure if I can find such). I
> guess 80GB is large enough for such application, right?

SATA2 worked fine for me with a cheap board using a VIA chipset. I don´t
think IDE drivers are cheaper any more. 

> -          VGA and sound: on board or are you recommending a low-cost
> add on card

Any Creative on board card is fine. You have to be more careful with the
graphic card if it comes on board. Many vendors of cheap computers
include sis graphic cards at their boards that you MUST to avoid. You
can use on board Intel if you want OS drivers, or Nvidia Geforce if
proprietary drivers are fine for you.

> And above all – I need a reliable vendor to buy from. (Not to far from
> Gesher Paz)
> Thanks in advanced!
> Yigal
Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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