El lun, 30-04-2007 a las 11:44 +0300, Oron Peled escribió:

>   - In two years the vendor would be several hardware generations
>     ahead. Would they still support the driver for your (than old)
>     hardware? If not, how would you upgrade your system to the
>     next (or next-next) version?

At the present, Nvidia has the nvidia-glx-legacy driver for cards up to
10 years ago. In the future, if they will not release newer drives, you
will still can use the current ones or the¨ nv¨ instead. For ATI the
situation is not different.

>   - Many times it further limit your other hardware choices. E.g:
>     You want to move a graphics card from 32bit system to 64bit system.
>     Or from Intel to PPC. Does the vendor provides drivers for all
>     your needs?

That is not the issue for on board cards.
>   - And it also limits your software choices. E.g: you need to use
>     Ubuntu (it's not a bad choice, it's just an example of a limitation).

These proprietary drivers are usually released as binaries and packaged
by the maintainers of the different distros.
> To take this to a bigger context, that's exactly like Firefox helps
> you install Flash plugin automatically. It's good to have this wizard
> to ease the pain, but it involves the same problems:
>   - Would the vendor (Macromedia, now Adobe) release the versions
>     you need (Only lately we got Flash-9).
>   - Would it limit my hardware choices? (search the archives for zillion
>     questions regarding 64bits).

They will do while Linux will be more and more accepted by the people.
And people currently do.
Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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