El lun, 30-04-2007 a las 09:52 +0300, Ohad Lutzky escribió:
> Hard drive: will SATA2 be a problem? (I prefer to save budget and
> > stay with IDE, but I am not sure if I can find such). I guess 80GB
> is large
> > enough for such application, right?
> I don't know about SATA2, I've never tried... shouldn't be a problem.
> 80GB is certainly large enough as long as you don't intend to store
> massive amounts of media (music & movies).

I think even that 80GB is too much. Yo don´t want that people will
storage at those PCs all the trash that they will not have a home or
that your Internet connection will be struggled by massive downloads.
Try to save some money and get 40GB instead. Or alternatively make two
or three partitions for two or three different OSs. You can add some
useful or interesting alternatives as Centos, Reactos or FreeBSD. 
Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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