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Amerika mempunyai 1001 alasan utk tidak memasukkan
Israel sebagai negara pengganas sekalipun seluruh
rakyat dan medianya sedar tentang keganasan Israel.
Selagi pelobi2 Yahudi berpengaruh di Amerika selagi
itu pemimpin Amerika dicucuk hidung mrk. 

--- azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> THU SEP 20 2001 02:09 P.M. G.M.T.
> Syria says Israel should be targeted in any
> anti-terrorism campaign
> DAMASCUS, Sept 20 (AFP) - Syria's official media
> said Thursday that any
> US-led campaign against terrorism must also target
> Israel and be carried out
> under the auspices of the United Nations.
> "We call on the international community to denounce
> Israel's terrorist
> practises of massacre, extermination and blockades
> against the
> Palestinians," said Damascus Radio.
> It called for "international efforts to join forces
> in the struggle against
> terrorism within the framework of the institutions
> of international
> legitimacy, in reference to the United Nations.
> Syria's official newspapers charged that Israel was
> continuing its
> "aggressions" against the Palestinians.
> "Aggression and terrorism are characteristics of
> Israel, and any decision
> concerning the fight against terrorism should take
> into account this fact,
> which requires no proof," the government daily
> Tishrin said.
> The newspaper accused Israel of wanting to "turn
> world public opinion
> against Arabs and Muslims" following the devastating
> September 11 terrorist
> attacks on the United States, with Israel being the
> "sole beneficiary of
> these international tensions."
> Al-Baath, the daily of Syria's ruling party of the
> same name, said it had
> "intelligence indicating some sort of relationship
> between Mossad (Israel's
> intelligence agency) and the terrorist attacks in
> New York and Washington.
> "The picture is still not clear ... but this could
> have something to do with
> the announcement of a withdrawal (by Israel) from
> Palestinian Authority
> zones," the newspaper said.
> Following Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's
> announcement of a truce on
> Tuesday, Israel said it was ending offensive actions
> against the
> Palestinians and withdrawing from
> Palestinian-controlled areas it had
> re-occupied.
> Copyright (c) 2001, AFP
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