[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Keep it inside the .h, the new class variables and functions you create in
the cpp move them to the h. Plus fix that ifdef problem.
I'd delete the if #hl2mp and their endifs since they are most likely useless
on your code.

You must have seen a client then a server file, they can appear "twice"
because they are in different projects (client and server), so they are
actually showing up once in their project.

On 3/5/07, Emiel Regis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's a redefinition:
> > flagblue.h -> class CFlagBlue : public CItem
> > flagblue.cpp ->class CFlagBlue : public CItem again
> When I try using 'class CFlagBlue' alone in one of files I get the same
> error again. I might be stupid, but it's how it's set in other header
> files and they work all ok :/
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