I got that long ago with the first SDK (code) release.
If I recall correctly is it related to the AppID of the game
you're launching, and the AppID specified in the GameInfo.txt
not matching.

Not too sure though!


On 06/04/2008, Maarten De Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list/valve!
> I'm gonna repost a problem I posted earlier since I really need a fix for
> this before we release. Basically, double-clicking on a server in the
> steam client's server browser doesn't work when not ingame.
> More details: If you doubleclick on a server of our mod when you're in
> windows, it says 'launching HL2' instead of 'launching Off Limits'. Next,
> it starts up the mod, which then crashes with a
> 'OnGameRulesCreationStringChanged: missing gamerules class
> 'COffLGameRules' on the client'. If you first start up the game through
> the 'my games' list, and then use the serverbrowser or the console when
> you're already ingame, there's no problem connecting.
> Yes, my gamerules class is included in the client project, and no, I can't
> find a crash in a client global ( I've started the game in debug and
> joined it without any more info ).
> Does anyone have an idea why this might happen only in this case, and a
> way I could even try to debug this problem?
> Thanks a lot,
> -- Maarten
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