Particle Editor yay!


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Mike Durand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi All-
> Included in the updates of TF2, Portal, and HL2:Ep2 are the binaries for
> the particle editor, the commentary editor, and the materials editor.
> I'm still working on an SDK update that includes a convenient way to
> launch the tools as well as some example particles and commentary files,
> but in the interim you can run any of the three games with '-tools' in
> the launch options and access the new tools.
> More documentation is on the way, but here is some general information
> to help get you started checking out the tools:
> 1.       These three tools run in the same process as the engine and you
> can switch between the tools.
> 2.       The F10 button changes context between playing the game in the
> 'Engine Viewport' window and editing content via the current tool.
> 3.       In the lower left corner is an input field that allows the user
> to dispatch console commands to the game while working with the tools.
> 4.       Particle systems are defined in .pcf files that are located in
> the 'particles' subdirectory beneath the game directory. You should
> extract some of the TF2, Portal, or Ep2 particle files from the game
> caches if you would like to see some examples. The SDK update will
> include example particles.
> 5.       Commentary node information is stored in text files in the
> games' 'maps' subdirectory and the established naming convention is
> <map_name>_commentary.txt. Again, you can extract these files from our
> shipping games to check out the editor ahead of the SDK update and
> example nodes.
> 6.       The material editor  is a GUI front-end and preview tool that
> provides a more convenient way of tweaking materials settings. You can
> extract VMT files from our shipping games or those from your own mods to
> check it out.
> I'm sure that there will be lots of questions and I'll do my best to
> answer them quickly. I'm looking update the SDK either tomorrow or
> Wednesday which will give you guys some more examples as well as make
> launching the engine tools more consistent with our other tools.
> -Best,
>  Mike
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