Hey list,

stumbled on 2 annoying problems, my grenade timer starts from the 
viewmodel and as such the sounds that go along with it must be started 
along with it. I've turned the sound into a single .wav, for another 
grenade goes the same but that one has a countdown sound that can't be 
simple put into smaller soundfiles.

the problems with the sound are this:
1. sound comes from the player and so even if throwing the grenade far 
away it will still sound like it's still in your hand.
2. if throwing grenades quickly the first sound is dropped and it starts 
playing the second sound instead

after some mucking about with the code I came up with a idea to do it:
Somehow make it so that the entity is created when the timer/sound are 
started but it sticks(invisble) onto the player until it is thrown. This 
way the sound is created at each seperate entity + the sound will move 
with the entity.

Problem is I have NO IDEA if this is even possible. So before I waste 
alot of time I was wondering if any of you think it could work or if 
it's just a total noob idea and I should stop coding forever:(

Let me know what you mighty coders think :P

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