Problem is debugger tutorial I found was rubbish and only tells you how 
to set it up, it doesn't tell you how to bludy use it, doesnt say 
anything about breakpoints, watches, etc so I think you can understand I 
never bothered to use the debugger, not to mention I need people, does a 
debug even work online?

Maarten De Meyer wrote:
> Debug. Set a breakpoint. Press F10 repeatedly. Use watches. See what's not
> how you expect it.
> No offense but it is a bug in your own gameplay code probably. Just step
> into it see what doesn't happen the way you want it and take it from
> there. If there's something about Source that doesn't happen the way you'd
> expect it and you want clarification or help on that, ok, post here with a
> specific question, but if you write a bunch of nested if statements and
> they don't work the way you expect, it is the kind of problem you need to
> learn how to debug yourself.
> Do not take this the wrong way, I'm a helpful guy really, but there's some
> basic techniques you need to master yourself if you plan to make any kind
> of modification, and debugging this kind of code is one of them.

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