Hey list,

my previous attemts at making a windnade turned out good :D
so I'm now going back to fixing some bugs

First bug is been in for a while and I've seen other mods that have it too:
Now and then spectate is bugged, when you free view into a wall it will 
constantly fall down into the map and you can't stop it, or you are 
stuck on your dead body, though you can get loose if u try hard enough 
but then if u go into a wall again you are back to your own body.

A long time ago I posted this problem and was told to set 
mp_forcerespawn to 1, which was already on 1 and to have the mapper add 
some entity to the map which was done as well, the problem has remained 
since and it wasn't too bad while the mod used deathmatch, but now my 
gametypes are last man standing and last team standing, when a player 
runs out of lives they are now forced to spectate and so they are 
confronted often with the bug, other spectate views work fine until you 
free view into a wall.

Second bug is that rounds aren't ending sometimes, today I happened to 
notice that the last 2 guys alive died at the same time, though I'm not 
100% sure that's the problem, but the round is supposed to end when 
there's 2 or more players and 1 alive, or if 0 alive then its a draw and 
it ends the round as well.
However like I said sometimes it doesn't do it.

Players are counted like this:
    int playercountertotal = 0;
    int playercounter = 0;
    int rebelcountertotal = 0;
    int rebelcounter = 0;
    int combinecountertotal = 0;
    int combinecounter = 0;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
        CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer = (CHL2MP_Player*) UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );

        if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR )

        if( IsTeamplay() == true )
            if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_COMBINE )
            if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_REBELS )
            if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_COMBINE && 
ToHL2MPPlayer(pPlayer)->GetTeamPlayerLives()>0 )
            if( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_REBELS && 
ToHL2MPPlayer(pPlayer)->GetTeamPlayerLives()>0 )
            if ( pPlayer )
                //Total players

                //Alive players
                if( ToHL2MPPlayer(pPlayer)->GetPlayerLives()>0)

any idea on how to fix these 2 things?

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