You could use the player connect event to grab their SteamID, then use their
SteamID as an argument to grab their stats.

It would probably require that you force a browser window open on them as
soon as they get in game to override the default motd.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Karl Weckstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's an interesting question.
> Over at, we have a custom MOTD. That in and of
> itself isn't interesting, but I was thinking - is there a way to "read" the
> current steam ID of the person who's connected and reading the MOTD?
> I could write up some dynamic html and/or vbscript that could look up their
> current ranking in hlstatsx and have the MOTD say something like "You are
> currently ranked XXX of XXXX players"... I'm already putting the top 10
> there, but adding the player's current ranking sure would be a nice touch.
> Thanks in advance!
> -karl
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