Luckily Valve keeps an incredibly detailed wiki about these sorts of things. 
This isn't the exact link but it should point you in the right direction.

Also please keep in mind when using language like "retard" that this is a 
public list. 
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

"Mike @ BOOM!" <> wrote:

Thank you for the reply dontwannaname..... I'm unfamiliar with this "master 
server list ini ", but from what I'm reading into your statement;  are you 
saying that if Valve changes or takes one of it's servers offline , a game 
server could potentially stop being listed in the master server list because 
the server it's trying to connect no longer exist due to an entry in a file on 
the server that is no longer valid? If that's the case, why would 4 of the 5 
identical servers on the same box work correctly and only one or 2 randomly 
stop being listed. Also why wouldn't the game server just go to another Valve 
listing server to be listed? Sorry, I sound like a retard but I just don't know 
enough about how the master server list actually works.


Mike V.




[] On Behalf Of DontWannaName!
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:44 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Cc: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 Servers Randomly Drop Off Master Server List - WHY?

Is your master server list ini up to date? You could try deleting the 
directories that aren't in the tf folder. The only thing that's there that 
matters is the sv pure white list. Then you can dl a fresh copy of those steam 
files from the tool.

Sent from my iPhone 4

On Jan 24, 2012, at 1:38 AM, "Mike @ BOOM!" <> wrote:

Fellow Server Operators and Valve Readers,


I have gotten into the habit of checking my TF2 servers to make sure they are 
appearing in the Valve master server list because about every week or so they 
just stop showing up and my player counts fall through the floor. At least one 
or more of my servers will just randomly stop showing up in the server list 
while the others show up just fine. It's not always the same one(s) and I have 
no idea why it happens. 


If I simply restart the server(s), they still won't show again until I run the 
HLDSupdatetool on them, even when there's nothing to be updated. After running 
the update tool and seeing no updates, the broken servers begin to show up in 
the list again after they restart. I just ran an experiment and copied the 
InstallRecord.blob file from a working server I had just run the empty update 
on to one that still didn't show up in the server list. I restarted it and it 
showed up correctly after receiving the new InstallRecord.blob file from the 
other server. WTF? 


Has anyone else noticed this and/or know how to stop it from happening? It's 
very frustrating to find my servers simply gone from the list and running empty.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


Mike V.

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