Thanks for your support.

The fix for the chaingun would not have also affected grenades, but we'll look into it.

On 7/12/2012 6:50 PM, Eric Stokes wrote:
Thanks Nick and InterWave, really appreciate the bugfixes! Everyone sees
fit to thank the TF2 team and others with updates, but the ND guys don't
get enough love!

Can't wait to try it out!

Side note:
Does the chain gun fix apply to grenades too? Few of us were getting stuck
in "Grenade hearing mode" on a server the other day.


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Nicholas Hastings <> wrote:

We've released a mandatory update to Nuclear Dawn. The notes for the ND
Update 6.5 are below.

New Content
- Added new map, Gate (beta), the first of the two community mapping
contest winners.

- Added option to disable sniper auto-rezoom.
- Added sound to notify when a vote appears.
- Added community-contributed loading screen tips.

- Fixed gizmo effects sometimes taking a second spawn to apply.
- Fixed sorting in gizmo selection window to show the "no gizmo" option
- Fixed gizmo selection panel sometimes being stuck open.
- Fixed radar kit viewmodel not going invisible when stealthing.
- Fixed HTML server motd messages not displaying on Macs.
- Fixed What's New update news screen not working on Macs.
- Fixed Mac http custom content downloads timing out when system is
configured to use a proxy server.
- Fixed rank name for rank 58, "Lieutenant General First Class".
- Fixed sound not playing for "Destroy" radio command.
- Fixed checkbox and radio button glyphs not displaying properly in some
dialogs on Mac.
- Fixed Mac showing Half-Life 2 icon when running the game.
- Fixed numerous cases where a building hologram would get stuck on the
build grid.
- Fixed issue with invalid build button grid and unbuildable builds when
first selecting assembler, then selecting control group containing units
that no longer exist.
- Fixed resource counter showing incorrect amount to spectators.
- Fixed "no commander" message always displaying to spectators even when
spectated team had commander.
- Fixed issues with NX300 flame sometimes persisting too long in spectated
- Fixed a case where unpowered walls were not properly taking health decay.
- Fixed turret radius display being stuck on screen for commanders if
leaving chair during first phase of build.
- Fixed radar kits disappearing on death.
- Fixed being able to move when armory class menu is open if scoreboard is
also up.
- Fixed chaingun spinning sound persisting through reload.
- Fixed sniper overlay flash that would occur after shooting when using
hold-to-zoom ironsight controls.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on Consortium transport gates.
- Fixed some cases where the scoreboard or MOTD panel could show over top
of the map load screen.
- Fixed hitgroups being ignored on in-chair commander for headshot
tracking and armor calculation.
- Fixed bloodspatter not showing on in-chair commander.
- Fixed rare client crash when switching weapon.
- Fixed U23 grenade kills showing and logging as from P12 grenade.
- Fixed area in Oilfield where players could get stuck behind tanker truck
near Empire base.

Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings
InterWave Studios 
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Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings
InterWave Studios <>
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