Le 2014-04-16 18:12, Mark Andrews a écrit :
> With the currently defined states yes you shut down everything for 1 and
> 3.  You don't shutdown for 0 and 2.  I think some here want a currently
> undefined state, no dhcp but local connectivity.
> I would switch 1 and 2 around so that you go from most (0) to least (3)
> IPv4 support on the interface.
> Currently it is:
>       0 full IPv4 connectivity
>       1 all IPv4 off on the interface
>       2 local (link/site not global) connectivity only on the interface
>       3 no IPv4 on the machine.

Uh, no. The levels are in strictly increasing order. 2 includes
everything in 1, plus some more:

   2 - No IPv4 upstream, local IPv4 restricted:  Same semantics as value
      1, with the following additions:

2 deals with propagation to downstream interfaces. It has nothing to do
with link or site local stuff.

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