Thanks , Listened to you,Mike Thompson!

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Mike Thompson <> wrote:

> Two situations that a new mapper may face:
> 1) Task area with nothing, or very little, mapped.
> This *should* be pretty easy. For example, in the case of buildings: draw
> building, square it, tag it as a building, don't draw two buildings over
> lapping each other.  However, despite verbal instruction, demonstrations,
> and written instructions, many get it wrong. My conclusion is human
> learning is more complex than many of us assume (hence the need for
> professional educators in our society). We may need to adjust our training
> (both online and in person) to be more effective. Just providing the
> information is not enough.
> 2) Task area has already been partially mapped, either outside of the
> tasking manager, as part of a previous project, or as part of the current
> project where another mapper didn't finish.
> Essentially we are asking the mapper in question to be a validator,
> because we expect that when he or she marks the task as done, they are
> saying that all of the mapping is done according to the instructions, not
> just the mapping he or she did. This can be very difficult for a new
> mapper, especially without the tools in JOSM. For example, if the
> instructions call for buildings to be square, they have to pan the entire
> task looking for buildings where is in JOSM, I put all buildings into the
> to do list and step through them (I could also search for ways tagged as
> buildings with less than a certain number of nodes and square them all at
> once).
> Ideas:
> * Have the tasking manager require a mapper to open (no way of knowing if
> they actually read them)  their messages before they can do checkout
> another tasks.
> * Have tasking manager forward messages to mapper's email account.
> * Require that a mapper at least visits the "instructions" tab before
> checking out a task.
> * Enhance project instructions to cover "edge cases". For example, should
> buildings under construction be mapped? Should existing features be
> spatially adjusted to the preferred imagery source, or should the imagery
> be adjusted to them?
> * Enhance project instructions to have links to examples (some of the
> Africa projects already do this).  "Not sure what a building under
> construction looks like? Click here for some examples." "Not sure how to
> adjust imagery offset in iD? Click here for instructions."
> * Mapathons should not be held without experienced mappers present who are
> willing to spend the entire event going from person to person to check on
> their work and answer any questions. We need many different people to make
> this work, and if someone just wants to be an organizer that is great, but
> they should ensure experienced mappers are in attendance.
> * Some sort of online way to quickly give feedback as soon as a save is
> made such that it is not necessary to wait until a task is marked as done.
> Mike
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