Hi Emmor

While I coordinated the Mali OSM Response in 2013, I did create the original 
version of the highway tagging for Mali to take account of the importance of 
the roads and tell contributors from northern countries to not classify looking 
at the condition of the road.
Later, contributors discussed about Africa in general and proposed to rename 
the wiki page as  Africa Highway Tagging Guide to represent all of Africa. 

Villages and towns are of various sizes. To decide what is a residential or a 
tertiary road, is not always easy.  We need to decide which road should be 
reclassified to tertiary to establish a hierarchy that make sense.

At the beginning of the wiki page, I did add a note asking contributors to come 
on this list and discuss changes. 

Sorry but I am a volunteer and I could not pay the flight to be part of the 
discussions at the SOTM Africa. 

I invite you and the others to give us more details on the discussions and the 
modifications you made to the wiki page.

      De : Vao Matua <vaoma...@gmail.com>
 À : john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> 
Cc : "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org>
 Envoyé le : vendredi 28 juillet 2017 23h27
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Highway Tag Africa wiki
I led the discussion at the Highway Tagging workshop on the last day of SOTM 
Africa.There was quite a bit of discussion and agreement that the existing 
tagging can be frustrating, however, we did not generate any new proposals for 
additional tags.We did agree on some changes to the Africa Highway Tagging 
Guide which has now been updated to reflect not only Functional Class but also 
Construction class and width.I am in the process of preparing a one page 
reference guide for use in carto-parties and mapathons and by new mappers.
General changes or clarifications:A residential road serves people who live 
adjacent to it.An unclassified road connects settlements and collects traffic 
from residential roads, tracks, and pathsA track allows people to access 
agriculture areas, but not connect to a settlementA path can function like an 
unclassified highway, but is restricted to foot traffic or 2 wheeled 
vehiclesHighway = tertiary or secondary may be paved, but not by default.
Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 4:38 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

I seem to recall some one posting recently that following discussion at the 
SOTM Africa in Uganda 2017 some changes had been made to the wiki.

Could some one highlight these.  

Thanks John

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