Hi Emmor
The Highway Tag Africa wiki page is used in Africa and other countries with 
similar realities. It has often been discussed since 2013, contributors being 
in favor in general to bring in this classification that insist on the role of 
roads vs the infrastructure and other aspects. Be assure that we do consider 
paths as important elements of mapping. Either in training sessions or for the 
various OSM Responses like Congo, Mali, Ebola, Nepal, Haiti, etc. we have 
always given instructions to trace paths either in urban areas or between 
villages and hamlets, mountains in Nepal, etc.
Comparing the wiki page July 9 vs July 22, I see that important segments of 
this wiki page have been rewritten. 

As the architect of this page in 2013, I believe that the modifications made 
add confusion to the economic an social role of each class of highways.  Some 
descriptions added to each class about passable (access ?), plus road width and 
surface bring back the notion of infrastructure to describe each class. These 
additions should be discussed and we have to decide the best place where to 
introduce these concepts.
We can group roads in three blocks
1. Major interconnecting roads : highway=tertiary and over, that assure the 
intercity traffic or intra-urban collector traffic in major towns
2. Local interconnecting roads : highway=unclassified, interconnection at the 
local level, between villages / hamlets . There are also paths that connect 
3. Local roads and paths: higway=residential, track, path
When we make the distinction between roads and paths it is important to 
evaluate if a car or a 4x4 can circulate on this way. This is important to 
evaluate the population that have access to roadways, to evaluate if any access 
is possible by car to offer services or for emergency support.  If information 
about motorbike access is important, a tag motorcycle=yes could be added.

If a 4x4 can circulate on a way, we do not specify highway=path. If there are 
seasonal restrictions, (ie. at rainy season in Africa or winter in northern 
countries), we simply add a restriction to indicate the non-accessibiliy for 
this period.
The same with tracks. These are important. But we dont want contributors to 
mark all roads as track making the infrastructure aspects overrule the economic 
and social role. There are other keys to describe the other aspects.

See my analysis of the modifications comparing wiki page July 9 vs July 22.

The addition below to the wiki page is a bit confusing, not clear what we want 
to insist on here 
   - Please note that a highway = track is not a more primitive construction 
class of a residential road

Road passable, road width and surface : Additions made to the various classes 
reduce the clarity. 
1. road passable - we talk here of access permitted to piedestrians, motos, 
etc. For more clarity and keep the classification easier to understand, I 
suggest that this access description should be in a distinct section an not 
repeated in each class (ie. primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.)
2. road width - My objective writing this wiki page in 2013 was to insist about 
the distinction between the economic / social role of a road vs the 
infrastructures and road condition. This insistance on widths is confusing, 
bringing in the concept of the state of the road vs it's role. A note to say 
this is simply indicative?
3. surface - there are other sections to talk about surface - not necessary to 
add in each class.

Highway=secondary, New description is less clearOriginal :
   - The roads connecting with regional capital cities and the towns of some 
importance (health services, commerce, etc.).
The new description, the first sentence added is less clear.
   - Major transportation routes connecting cities and large towns. Collector 
function in urban areas.

highway=tertiary, New description, the first sentence added is less 
   - The roads interconnecting villages and the major streets in towns of some 
The new description added
   - Major transportation routes connecting towns and larger villages. 
Collector function in urban areas. 

This class is used to distinguish rural roads interconnecting villages VS 
tracks going to the outskirts of villages. We should clarify that the section 
that cross a village, even if housings on each side should still be classified 
higway=unclassified.The new definition is ambiguous   
   - Minor collector roads that allow travel and commerce from paths and 
residential roads to and between settlements. Generally not residential

highway=residential- Previous description was   
   - Used for roads in the residential areas except the major streets that 
interconnect with various roads (ie. primary, secondary, tertiary). Should not 
be used to connect villages and hamlets.   

- New description is unclear, adds confusion talking of urban and rural
   -  In urban or rural setting roads which serve as an access to housing, 
without function of connecting settlements . Often lined with housing .

- Previous description was   
   - The small roads going outside the residential areas, mainly for 
'''agricultural and forestry''' purposes. Tracks can also be found in National 
Parks and Game Reserves. In general these roads do not have connecting function 
with other roads, and do not connect villages/hamlets.}}}
- New description, the first sentence is unclear   
   - Access route from dwellings to agricultural and forestry areas. Roads 
within National Parks and Game Reserves may be tagged as tracks. No connection 
function between settlements.


      De : Vao Matua <vaoma...@gmail.com>
 À : Jens Mueller (Historical Research Services) <h...@hist.de> 
Cc : HOT Openstreetmap <hot@openstreetmap.org>
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 30 juillet 2017 11h03
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Highway Tag Africa wiki


Thank you for you comments, yes Ethiopia needs to have an OSM restart.For the 
last 10 months I was living in SNNPR and was not able to meet a single OSM 
contributor.The infrastructure, unfortunately, makes OSM contributions and even 
use very difficult.Ethiopians would be very interested in getting OSMAnd on 
their phones, however, it appears to be a restricted app.
In terms of paths to Ethiopian villages it is indeed the case that the primary 
or only transportation route to a population may only be by foot or donkey 
traffic on a path.I think the perception that a path is not important is quite 
common and is not true.  Important or significant paths need to be mapped for 
commerce, food safety, and potential relief efforts, not only in Ethiopia but 
in other parts of Africa and places throughout the world.
The discussion about importance doesn't seem to have moved forward but could 
have some value.
At SOTM Africa earlier this month there was quite a bit of discussion on 
highway tags, including paths. Based on that discussion I have updated the 
Africa Highway Tagging guide to help clarify that a road has not only a 
construction class as well as an economic or social function.

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