On 6月28日, 上午5時11分, Tom Glastonbury <t...@tomglastonbury.com> wrote:
> Hi 可愛滴蜥蜴,
> As you can probably tell, CMake couldn't automatically find GLUT for
> you. I had a similar problem and had to fiddle with the FindGLUT.cmake
> file. However, that was for producing a 64-bit build for which I had to
> use freeglut, so a bit different. Recent revisions (basically since just
> before the move to Mercurial from Subversion) have an updated
> FindGLUT.cmake which should work for you. You will need to have GLUT or
> freeglut binaries positioned in the directory structure the same as the
> other libraries.

Hi,thanks for your helping.I only found freeGlut on sourceforge.com,so
I've download and placed it into huginbase/hugin and it works!!!
Thanks a lot.

> Note also that I am in the process of producing an set of Perl scripts
> which will download and prepare all the 3rd party libraries for the
> Hugin Windows SDK, for both 32 and 64-bit builds. This should help
> people in your situation considerably. However, it's quite a task and my
> time is limited, so it will be a while yet.
> Tom
Thanks for your hard work,I'm looking foward to it.
After putting the freeGLUT in the project,a new error comes out:
- Current HG revision is a7c760281f3c
Found wxWidgets: TRUE
Found TIFF: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/tiff
Found JPEG: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/jpeg
Found PNG: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/png
Found EXIV2: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/exiv2-0.18.1/msvc/include
GLUT Found
Found Glew:
Could NOT find Boost
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:248 (MESSAGE):
  boost not found.  Bad BOOST_ROOT? On windows, try editing

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
What is that this time?
Does the problem I've encountered means the wiki needs an update?
I'm really appreciate your help.謝謝!

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