On 28/06/2010 7:22 AM, 可愛滴蜥蜴 wrote:
After putting the freeGLUT in the project,a new error comes out:
- Current HG revision is a7c760281f3c
Found wxWidgets: TRUE
Found TIFF: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/tiff
Found JPEG: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/jpeg
Found PNG: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/wxWidgets-2.8.10/src/png
Found EXIV2: C:/Program Files/HuginProject/exiv2-0.18.1/msvc/include
GLUT Found
Found Glew:
Could NOT find Boost
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:248 (MESSAGE):
   boost not found.  Bad BOOST_ROOT? On windows, try editing

Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
What is that this time?
Does the problem I've encountered means the wiki needs an update?
I'm really appreciate your help.謝謝!

The clue is in the message:

"boost not found. Bad BOOST_ROOT? On windows, try editing Boost_root_suffix"

You need to find the Boost_root_suffix value in the CMake window - in grouped view, look in the Boost group, or in simple view enter Boost_root_suffix in the search box. The value should be something like _1_38_0 - you need to change it to the version of boost you have put in the SDK directory structure (look at the name of the boost directory).

By the way, you might find useful info at the following Wiki entry, notably I think it's more up-to-date than the pre-built SDK instructions, and might shed some light on the kind of problems you've been having:


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