Chris Mason wrote:
Incidentally - only because I spell-check my posts - I may as well "improve" your knowledge by pointing out that it's "Unformatted" with two "t"s.
[...] I'm Radoslaw (Radosław in fact) and I don't use spell checker for my e-mails. 'unformated' was a typo, I'm aware of double 't', alhtough my English is poor.

3. VTAM Unformated System Services (afaik).

Regrettably your "knowledge" - "afaik" - doesn't appear to extend sufficiently "far". There is no problem with *VTAM* - aka the *SNA* component of Communications Server (CS) - USS but there is a possible ambiguity when the possible use of USS with the *IP* component of CS. See 2.9.4, "Telnet USS table setup", in z/OS Communications Server IP Configuration Reference Version 1 Release 8, SC31-8776-10, a manual with which I would have expected you to be familiar.

Fine. You know *ONE* example, when USS means 'VTAM USS' and it can be confused 
with 'Unix USS'.
I know much more examples, when use USS as 'Unix USS' with no ambiguity, that 
means, everybody who understand technical documentation, also understand what 
USS stands for. (and yes, I saw your stats about Unix and USS, but my 
conclusion is contrary to yours: USS *is used as Unix System Services* in IBM 

Please do me the courtesy of reading my posts before pontificating. If you memory needs refreshing, please read through my very recent posts on this topic. I'll say it again for your benefit fort the umpteenth time, I challenged the *belief*, not the *usage*.

I read all the posts, including yours. A lot of text. Actually I have other duties as well, so I did not pay to much attention to each of them. Now I'm trying to guess your point, but I cannot. I don't understand. In fact, even in the post I respond to you mentioned a lot of things, including anarchy, democracy and elections. I must be dumb, because I still don't see any reason to avoid some acronyms. Just as example: ETR means Electronic Technical Response and External Time Reference. Both are allowed by acronyms puritans. Sometimes it makes confusion. Why USS cannot be used as Unix System Services, since English language rules don't say acronym cannot be ambigous, and have to be approved by IBM.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, nr rejestru przedsiębiorców KRS 0000025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
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