Graham Hobbs wrote:

>When someone uses the underscores between some words .. what does that mean?

EMPHASIS. It is one way to put reader's attention to that word(s) without using 
advanced formatting gizmos.

As others have noted, it is a way of [manual] formatting only usable by your 
tired eyes, not by whatever reader/formatter you're using.

Without formatting, how do you write something like these?:

1/3 (0.333333) or use a shorter mathematical denotion for that.

4 times 4 = 4^2, you write a small 2 to the right of 4, (superscript and 

Square root of say 10.

Steve also kindly showed how you write Boldfaced, Underscored and Italicized 

And how do you write strikethrough and such formatting without using advanced 
word processing software?

My pet peeve: I hate it that the word ftp is automatically marked [1] as a 
hypertext link, where I just want mention that word as a verb, but that is just 
me... ;-D

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

[1] - yes, I can reverse or disable that, but... 

Above text (and this sentence! ) was written in Plain Text as used on 
IBM-MAIN's web page - Send Message page.

One of these days, I want to play around with HTML part. But then not everyone 
can probably read what I wanted to write.

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