On Fri, 28 May 2021 11:50:28 +0200, Radoslaw Skorupka <r.skoru...@hotmail.com> 

>IMHO it depends.
>First, it depends on what we understand as outsourcing.
>1. I buy HW and SW and keep it in my datacenter. Oh, BTW: the
>application software is mine, not delivered from outside.
>2. Application is delivered, and there are many options how to maintain it.
>3. I keep HW in leased DC.
>4. I rent HW from DC owner.
>5. I rent HW from DC owner and some services like cabling, servicing, etc.
>6. DC owner takes care about switches and maybe other things.
>Regarding Zcloud - I believe it depends on your expectations how deep
>the outsourcing would be.

zCloud is IBM-owned and -managed hardware and software in an IBM DC using 
various software stacks (z/VM, Linux, z/OS, CICS, IMS, DB2, MQ, Websphere, 
etc.), with your application (if any) and data.  You run in one or more LPARs, 
sharing the machines with other zCloud customers. 

See the link to the data sheet at 
https://www.ibm.com/services/cloud/managed-infrastructure-as-a-service.   You 
could view it as a form of outsourcing, yes.

Alan Altmark

Alan Altmark

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