Could you provide more detail?

What parameters do you have set in HSM for stacking on your dump classes?
What timeframes are involved? When do you dump and expect stacking?
Could you provide your SETSYS parms for dump and stacking?

HSM should stack all the volumes on one tape based on the following criteria

Copy pool dump processing is given priority in this phase. Dump processing
proceeds as follows:

> Copy pool volumes with affinity to the processing host that are to be
> Copy pool volumes with no affinity that are to be stacked
> Non-copy pool volumes with affinity to the processing host that are to be
> Non-copy pool volumes with no affinity that are to be stacked
> Copy pool volumes with affinity that are not to be stacked
> Copy pool volumes with no affinity that are not to be stacked
> Non-copy pool volumes with affinity that are not to be stacked
> Non-copy pool volumes with no affinity that are not to be stacked
> Non-SMS volumes

Are you sure all of the volumes you are dumping will fit on one tape volume?

Have you tried just setting up one volume SMS and NON-SMS in your dump class
and see if that works?

Are you manually running the process or is DFHSM running it on a schedule?



-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of EXT-Schwarz, Barry
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 5:03 AM
Subject: Stacking SMS and non-SMS disk on same HSM dump tape

On z/OS 1.11, the HSM manual says a stacked dump tape can contain dumps from
both SMS and non-SMS packs.  However, with STACK(99), every test case I have
run results in SMS packs first going to one 3592 tape (genned as 3590-1) and
then non-SMS packs going to a second tape.  I have tried with 1, 2, and 3
SMS packs of different sizes and HSM always changes tapes after processing
all the SMS packs in the dump class.

Has anyone else run into this and how did you solve it?

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