On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 07:51:12 -0800, Ed Jaffe wrote:
>I used to erroneously believe CSV would abend306 immediately when it
>found an unauthorized (spoofed?) copy, and years later discovered (the
>"hard" way - surely my fault for not reading the book carefully enough)
>that it simply ignores them until the module search is complete. If an
>unauthorized copy was found: 306; otherwise: 806.
>I remember trying to use a temporary STEPLIB to fix a problem and the
>problem was not fixed. Agonized over it for quite some with dumps, debug
>sessions, etc. until I finally understood what was going on. The STEPLIB
>was not authorized. Duh!
That behavior, as you discovered, is more confusing than useful.

-- gil

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