> I stand 'slightly' corrected.  Module SS14RC02 isn't in a LNKLST 
> library, it is in the LPA.  Module SS14A32 is in the LNKLST and 
> that's the module my job abended on in my second attempt. 
> I just got off the phone with SyncSort support and worked through 
> the issue.  While it doesn't explain why I would sometimes get the 
> 306 and sometimes get a good run, I now know that I need to have my 
> SyncSort library APF authorized to run in my environment.

  Since you have an "authorized library" copy of SS14RC02 in LPA,
and an "authorized library" (via LNKAUTH=LNKLST)  copy  of SS14A32 in
the LNKLST, the only we can see that a 306-C could occur is if
LSEARCH=YES is specified on the macro (LOAD, LINK, etc).  I don't know
why the issuer of the macro (presumably Syncsort) would be wanting to do 

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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