On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 23:19:38 +0000, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:
>Once you start using git (or for that matter any of the *ix-based source 
>repository utilities) for mainframe source maintenance, you stop using 
>IEBUPDTE (or any other sequence-number-based source update process) and start 
>using the "patch" utility.  The input to "patch" is the output from "diff" 
>(when properly configured with options, as is done inside of git and other 
>source repository utilities).
The input to IEBUPDTE is the output from "SuperC" (when properly configured 
with options).
The glaring restriction of IEBUPDTE is that it chokes on an apparent IEBUPTDE 
appearing as a data line, as might happen in a JCL member invoking an IEBUPDTE 

And Fixed-80.

>The "diff" and "patch" utilities could care less what is on each line.  They 
>just compare lines and try to find the maximal number of non-differences (sets 
>of matching lines) between the minimal number of difference lines.  It's an 
>art, but it mostly works.
SuperC appears to use a similar algorithm.

>Any kind of sequence numbering in the source lines defeats "diff" entirely and 
>everything after an insert looks like it changed.
Only if you are so foolish as to configure your editor to renumber in each 

>So if you plan to move to git or one of its predecessors, plan to eliminate 
>all sequence numbering in the source when you first move it into the 
Or don't renumber.  I once wrote a utility using SuperC and IEBUPDTE to repair 
carelessly modified sequence numbers.

-- gil

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