On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 19:17:25 -0700, ste...@copper.net wrote:
>Your question had to do with manually doing IEBUPDTE commands. The users where 
>I am probably do, but I honestly don't know. The ISV(s) that provide source 
>maint; I have no clue how they do theirs.
I have not used IEBUPDTE extensively.  When I contributed to Charlotte, I made
more use of CMS UPDATE, which is similar to IEBUPDTE, but with further features
useful for source code control.  XEDIT can generate CMS UPDATE control files,
but they contain some noise which I filtered out with a final pass through 

There are more powerful tools than IEBUPDTE.  Embrace them.

Examples include diff3 and various GUI merge utilities.

-- gil

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