0000000433f07816-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
> I have not used IEBUPDTE extensively.  When I contributed to
> Charlotte, I made more use of CMS UPDATE, which is similar to
> IEBUPDTE, but with further features useful for source code control.
> XEDIT can generate CMS UPDATE control files, but they contain some
> noise which I filtered out with a final pass through SuperC.
> There are more powerful tools than IEBUPDTE.  Embrace them.
> Examples include diff3 and various GUI merge utilities.

original CMS UPDATE was single level (mid-60s) ... much more akin to
IEBUPDATE. As undergraduate in the 60s, I did preprocessor to CMS UPDATE
that support "$" which would do the sequence numbering on the inserted
source cards ... eliminating having to manually add them to each one.

Later at the science center there was joint project with Endicott for
modifications to CP/67 to support 370 virtual memory virtual machines
(in addition to 360/67 virtual memory virtual machines) ... aka
simulating 370 virtual memory architecture on real 360/67.

This was originally implemented all in EXEC ... repeatedly processing
CNTRL files and multiple levels of update files.

Originally had three levels ... "L" updates to CP/67 (my enhancements to
base product CP/67), "H" udpates to CP/67 to provide 370 virtual

The combination of "L" & "H" updated CP/67 then ran regularly on
production 360/67. Lots of 370 operating system softwarre started
development in "H" 370 virtual machines.

Then the "I" updates to CP/67 to change from running 360/67 architecture
to running 370 architecture ... build typically required applying "L",
"H", & "I". This was running regularly in "H" 370 virtual machines a
year before the first 370/145 engineering machine supporting virtual
memory was operational (and long before 370 virtual memory was
announced). In fact, the first 370/145 engineering machine used an "I"
level system as early software to test operation of the machine.

trivia: initial "I" system IPL failed. It turned out that they had
reversed the B2 op-codes for RRB & PTLB ... quickly diagnosed the
problem and zap'ed the kernel to correspond with the "incorrect"
implementation (they eventually corrected the hardware).

trivia: the person responsible for Internet DNS system had been MIT
student at the time working at the science center and did some of the
original CMS multi-level source update implementation.

past posts mentioning science center

Later some San Jose engineers added support for 3330s & 2305s device for
CP/67-SJ. This ran production internally on most of the 370 systems for
quite some time.

Later the multi-level update support was added to both standard UPDATE
and eventually XEDIT.

I had kept archives of much of the science center files on tapes. In
mid-80s, when Melinda Varian was doing her VM History ... she contacted
me about getting copies of the original multi-level source update
implementation in EXEC. It was fortunate timing ... IBM Almaden Research
was starting to have datacenter operational problem (operators were
mounting random tapes as scratch), and even tho I had replicated the
archives on three different tapes ... they were all in the IBM Almaden
Research tape library ... and operators managed to mount all three
archive tapes (and several of my other tapes) as scratch. They never got
around to notifying users until long after the damage was done.

some old email exchange with Melinda (some repeat and not all about
multi-level update

other trivia: much of internal software development was then being done
using CMS and CMS multi-level update ... including MVS components like
JES2 ... then when came time for release ... they had to port to
standard MVS source distribution process.

One of the VM/370 issues was even though (originally CP/67) maintenance
distribution was all done using the CMS multi-level source ... every new
release ... they would permanently apply all maintenance & development
updates and resequence each module. Lots of internal sites and customers
had developed extensive source updates (some claim there was more source
updates on the VM/370 SHARE Waterloo tape than in the base system).

The release-to-release resequencing became something of hassle ... so in
the late 70s, I wrote a couple programs ... one would take a previous
release with all maintenance applied and the new resequenced release and
generate an update that represented the change (mostly development) from
the old release to the new release, but using the previous release
sequence numbers. It was then became a simpler issue to resolve
conflicts with local updates and an update that converted to the latest
release. Then another program would resequence the resolved local
updates from the previous release sequence numbers to the current
release sequence numbers.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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