On Mon, 14 May 2018 19:36:29 +0000, Seymour J Metz <sme...@gmu.edu> wrote:

> At least one poster in this thread made reference
> to the high 32 bits being altered. Are you saying
> that he was in error?

Here is a test of a 32-bit program running in
AM64 on z/OS:

welcome to pdptest
main function is at 11913024
first byte of main is 47
running as amode 64
allocating 10 bytes
m1 is 11915248
allocating 20 bytes
m2 is 11915288
stack is around 00007330
copying from file dd:in, mode text to file dd:out, mode text
16 bytes copied

The source code can be found here:


But of more interest is the assembler driver:


Especially the GAMOS/GAMAPP macros and
the @@SETUP routine that allows the 32-bit
program to be quadmodal (AM24/31/32/64)
and run on any environment (MVS/XA etc)
thanks to the "step down" in GAMOS. Note
that I am planning on changing the @@SETUP
function so that it is defined not by ZSYS but
instead a "STEPDOWN" variable.

Note what Greg Price had to say - you CAN
write quadmodal code, but up until now,
no-one HAS, for no particular reason.
quadmodal code paves the way for a pure
64-bit site, which is what I would like to
see. ie both 32-bit and 64-bit programs
running exclusively as AM64 on a z/OS site.

BFN. Paul.

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