On Monday, 22 Aug 2005 2:32 pm, Raj Mathur wrote:
> Fair enough.  The attempt at humour was supposed to achieve the
> reverse of what you are reading it as, but that doesn't make a
> difference in this context.

Actually Raj, now that I have re-read it, I agree with Hassath that it is 
*potentially* offensive to women. While it might be perceived as humorous to 
men, it appears condescending to women, and hence seems insulting.

Since the blog is the official face of Freedel till the main site comes up, I 
am making some changes as Hassath has pointed out, *with* an appropriate 
notice that this is not the original post.

I would like everybody on this list to keep pointing out whenever our 
communication to the world or actions is not appropriate to any particular 
section of the society - be it women, children or physically challenged.

This also brings up an idea that I had some time back. How about asking people 
working in the field of FLOSS software for the physically challenged, to have 
their own section in the talks? Only FLOSS software please, because this is a 
FLOSS event.

And how about ensuring that all facilities at the event are 
physically-challenged friendly?

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya  *    Puroga Technologies   *     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Work: http://www.puroga.com  *   Home/Blog: http://www.sandipb.net/blog

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