Dear Mr. Wootan (and list!),

Thanks very much for your reply. I encourage you add anything you'd like to the entry for your name in the PESWiki.

I have no connection to the Gray family or anyone involved with the E.V. Gray Technology (or any energy technology for that matter.) I just enjoyed your presentation on the 2001 Tesla Tech video for sale at ClearTech, and I wanted to know what happened after that.

I will update the PES Wiki with your reply, unless you specify that you'd like to update it yourself.

Optionally, you can email me on or off the mailing list any text you'd like to see posted there and I will post it for you.

It would be neat to add more info on your other projects and continue to build the resource of info at PESWiki.

I wish you success in your projects,


John WW2

On Aug 14, 2006, at 5:17 PM, Norman Wootan wrote:

I advised Ken Hawkins (owner of the E.V. Gray motors) to sell them because of Gray family members trying to take legal action to recover the Gray Properties. I will attach a recent E-Mail which will better explain the situation. I have absolutely no interest in the E.V. Gray Motors. My lab was built for the purpose of development of the Hydrogen Reactor which is in U.S. Patent # 7,097,676 granted August 29,2006. Prototype work is completed and second stage development is waiting funding and will be done in CA. My lab is freed up for other interesting projects but not the Gray motor. Please read the following to get an idea as to what is going on. Ms. Gray should subscribe to the E.V.Gray discussion group on to follow the various researchers.

Hi Norman,
I have been following your research on the E. V. Gray motors and have many questions on how you came to possess the motors. I am infact a member of the Gray family and wonder how you possess my fathers motors and what your intent is. I am in favor of inventors enhancing and carrying on such technologies however, I feel you have obtained these motors in the shadows of our families legal rights to possess and distribute my fathers technologies. I hope your interest in my fathers technologies is an honest one and I hope you contact me so that my family can decide whether your possession of the motors is legal and at least, come to understand how you obtained my fathers and my families belongings.
I wait for your reply with great anticipation.
April Gray

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