Le lundi 4 février 2019, 14:44:31 CET Rowan Collins a écrit :
> In general, though, I quite like the current site design, and would much
> rather effort was spent iteratively improving it, rather than throwing it
> away and implementing a new set of bugs.
> My personal annoyance is the search result page; specifically, that the
> "Full website search" link appears in the sidebar like it's an
> afterthought, rather than prominently with the search results, or as a
> separate results tab or something.

I agree, I like the current website and design and would see much more value in 
an attempt at fixing small problems one by one rather than trying to redo the 
whole thing at once.

Change the pages organization a bit would improve things, but the design do not 
need to change.

For example I hate how this page https://php.net/support has the "Table of 
Contents" on the right while this one https://php.net/get-involved.php has 
unique information in the same place that you overlook the first time you read 
the page.
When I tried to get involved in PHP the first time, I got to 
https://php.net/get-involved.php, read the "Development of the PHP source" 
section and was like «Hum, ok, but where is the source? Why aren’t there any 
links here?». The stuff in the right column should really be in the middle and 
replaced with a Table of contents for consistency IMO.


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