On 05/02/2019 17:32, Tom Worster wrote:
I have two suggestions, assuming you proceed roughly as outlined in your original post.

1. Start with /community

A new community website [4], it can be a place for people to ask questions and discuss php in general - no one uses IRC anymore.

Like all the bold ideas in this thread, that alone would need some serious planning and commitment.

Technically, it's easy - assuming you'd just install PHPBB / Gitter / whatever, and not try to invent yet another wheel; but building a *community* is hard.

For a start, off the top of my head, you would need to figure out:

* Who is this community aimed at, and how will you attract them to use it?
* Who will moderate it, and according to what policies? (Particularly important if you're branding it as "the official PHP community") * How will it relate to all the existing community tools (IRC, StackOverflow Chat, phpug.slack.com, these mailing lists, etc, etc)?

If you can make it successful, I'm sure it would be a great asset, but there's a long and uncertain road between here and there.


Rowan Collins

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