in addition, using the JAWS cursor in unrestricted mode may also help in 
finding some indication of a checkbox. unrestricted mode allows the JAWS 
cursor to go beyond the active application focus. switching to unrestricted 
mode is only available when the JAWS cursor has been activated, by holding 
the insert while pressing r until unrestricted is heard. when finished using 
the JAWS cursor and before going back to PC cursor mode, insert+r returns to 
application restriction, which is the default.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shane Hecker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Warning About Downloading CCleaner From JAWS Users 
Programs Page

Try insert+space bar, o, then w. You can sometimes get further
information by using this technique. If after doing this you see
something like "a faster way to brows" or anything other than what you
see using conventional methods, click on it. It will then put you in a
web page where you can select whether or not to install Chrome and the


On 2/16/2015 6:01 PM, Gerald Levy wrote:
> That's the problem.  I could not find any check box for installing
> Google Chrome anywhere on the downloader interface, and I checked each
> page carefully with the JAWS cursor.  I wound up removing it using
> Revo Uninstaller.  If anyone else can find the elusive check box for
> installing Chrome, please let me knoe how to locate it so that I do
> not get screwed over again the next time I install a new version of
> CCleaner.
> Gerald
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dialup @ 56k" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 5:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Warning About Downloading CCleaner From JAWS
> Users Programs Page
>> Gerald,
>> Unfortunately that's quite normal with 'modern' software installers.
>> It's either Ask or Chrome or a few similar bun unnecessary, but you
>> have the option to uncheck the install box during setup, IF of course
>> you can find it.
>> So now you can use C Cleaner to un install chrome.
>> Glen
>> ***
>> On 17-Feb-15 9:41 AM, Gerald Levy wrote:
>>> I just downloaded the latest version of CCleaner, version 5.0.2,
>>> from the JAWS Users programs page, and received a very nasty
>>> surprise.  In addition to installing CCleaner, Google Chrome was
>>> also installed, much to my chagrin.  Using the JAWS cursor to
>>> examine the installation options in the user interface, I did not
>>> come across any check box or other means of preventing Google Chrome
>>> from being installed along with CCleaner.  I do not remember having
>>> this problem in the past, so it looks like Puriform is now forcing
>>> Chrome down your throat whether you want it or not.  Chrome is still
>>> not especially JAWS accessible, and removing it is a real pain.
>>> Therefore, I suggest that a warning be added to the CCleaner
>>> download link that downloading and installing CCleaner will also
>>> result in the installation of Google Chrome, which is nothing but
>>> unwanted crapware for most JAWS users.
>>> Gerald
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